Teoría y paisaje II: Paisaje y emoción. El resurgir de las geografías emocionales

Teoría y paisaje

Luna, Toni; Valverde, Isabel (dir.) (2015). Paisaje y emoción. El resurgir de las geografías emocionales. Barcelona: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; Universitat Pompeu Fabra. (Teoría y Paisaje; 2). ISBN: 978-84-608-2975-1

This is the second issue of the collection “Teoría y paisaje”, based on the texts presented on the seminar organized in March 2014 under the same heading by the Department of Humanities of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. The seminar, as well as the book, was aimed at bringing a critical perspective on the intertwining of landscape and emotion, viewed from different subject areas, such as aesthetics, art history, literature and theory of literature, cultural geography and architecture.

Unlike other publications by the Observatory, the papers are published in the language of the original presentation at the seminar (Spanish, English or French).


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