Number: 3

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Reptes en la cartografia del paisatge. Dinàmiques territorials i valors intangibles

Series Eines

Nogué, Joan; Puigbert, Laura; Bretcha, Gemma; Losantos, Àgata (eds.) (2013). Reptes en la cartografia del paisatge. Dinàmiques territorials i valors intangibles. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya. (Plecs de Paisatge; Eines; 3). ISBN: 978-84-616-2668-7.

Few objects are as common as maps. They are so recurrent in our daily lives that they almost go unnoticed. We see them every day in the press, in magazines and in all types of advertising, on the TV news, in the street, on the motorway, in travel agencies and obviously at school. We grow up and live surrounded by maps that we use to guide ourselves geographically and to hold on to the memory of places. Besides, maps are indispensable tools for spatial planning and management and for implementing new landscape policies. Of course it is not easy to reflect the landscape in a map properly, and even less so when aiming to represent its dynamics and values. A result of the seminar “Challenges in mapping the landscape: territorial dynamics and intangible values”, organised by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia in 2011, this book raises the need for new concepts and new techniques of representation to provide us with maps that incorporate intangible landscape values and express rapidly changing territorial dynamics.

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