Number: 4

Copies are available from the Observatory on request or by clicking the following link for just 20 € shipping included (for shipping outside Europe costs will be 8€). The book is only available in Catalan, but you can find summaries of each chapter in Spanish and English. Buy means you accept the terms of sale.

Paisatge, patrimoni i aigua. La memòria del territori

Heritage; Series Reflexions

Nogué, Joan; Puigbert, Laura; Bretcha, Gemma (eds.) (2016).Paisatge, patrimoni i aigua. La memòria del territori. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; ATLL, Concessionària de la Generalitat, SA. (Plecs de Paisatge; Reflexions; 4). ISBN: 978-84-608-8093-6

Water has historically been one of the main structural and connecting factors in the landscape in our latitudes. The long-term occupation of the land and its shaping by human societies which have established themselves on it largely explained by water whether in the form of springs, rivers and streams or lakes and pondsHence today, it is difficult to discuss landscape without associating it to water and to the heritage that has developed around it. A heritage - one linked to the landscapes of water - which here is intrinsically bonded to the course of several rivers that are developing new roles and taking on new meanings . This book seeks to reflect on the question from an interdisciplinary and international perspective.


  • Presentacions Alfredo Gutiérrez Zavala Director general d’ATLL, Concessionària de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SA Joan Nogué Director de l'Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya

I. Paisatge, aigua i planificació

II. El paisatge fluvial en l'art i el cinema

III. Paisatge fluvial: patrimoni i usos

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