Number: 1

Copies are available from the Observatory on request or by clicking the following link for just 20 € shipping included (for shipping outside Europe costs will be 8€). The book is only available in Catalan, but you can find summaries of each chapter in Spanish and English. Buy means you accept the terms of sale.

Paisatge i Salut

Series Reflexions

Nogué, Joan; Puigbert, Laura; Bretcha, Gemma (eds.) (2008). Paisatge i salut. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; Barcelona: Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya. (Plecs de Paisatge; Reflexions; 1). ISBN: 978-84-612-4858-2

This book considers the relationship between landscape, quality of life and individual and social well-being from an innovative and interdisciplinary perspective. It discusses the initiatives that have been developed along this line, from public policies that associate health with the territory and the environment to therapeutic experiences. It includes unique contributions from specialists in fields as diversified as architecture, environmental sciences, agricultural and forestry engineering, geography, medicine, environmental psychology or sociology, from countries as far ranging as Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.


  • Presentació (37Kb) Marina Geli Consellera de salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Introducció (52Kb) Joan Nogué Director de l'Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya

I. Paisatge, benestar i qualitat de vida

II. Medi ambient, paisatge i salut. Les polítiques públiques

III. Experiències i teràpies

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