Out of collection

Mapa de l'Estratègia Nacional del Paisatge d'Andorra en l'horitzó 2035

Out of collection

Sala i Martí, Pere; Grau, Jordi (coord.) (2022). Mapa del paisatge d'Andorra. Mapa de l'Estratègia nacional del paisatge d'Andorra en l'horitzó 2035 [Mapa]. 1:30.000. [Andorra la Vella]: Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Sostenibilitat del Govern d'Andorra.

The National Landscape Strategy Map of Andorra was drawn up based on an innovative and intense participatory process involving several government ministries, the seven commonwealths, other key stakeholders in the Principality and the public at large, through various participatory mechanisms, from online questionnaires to participatory workshops, in-depth interviews, and even simultaneous work with some fifty online maps that were updated with contributions from the local authorities. Beyond the map itself, the cartography generated constitutes the same framework for work between the government, the commons and the stakeholders, favouring a good implementation and monitoring of the strategy.


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