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Landscape charters and plans

Landscape charters and plans

Landscape charters and plans are the main instruments used to promote actions and strategies to improve and value the landscape at a local scale. The Landscape Observatory follows and advises on the development of landscape charters and plans and encourages the development of new initiatives.

Landscape charters

Landscape charters are voluntary instruments setting out agreements between the agents in an area in order to promote actions and strategies regarding landscape assessment and improvement. The charters can be promoted by the Government of Catalonia, by local authorities (district councils, communities, municipalities) and/or by entities and are followed up by the Landscape Observatory, which ensures that they are coherent with the landscape catalogue in their ambit of action.

The following landscape charters have been developed in Catalonia:

Landscape plans

Some municipalities, often taking a landscape unit as their scope, are developing landscape plans that include actions for the enhancement and quality of the landscape.

The landscape plans that have been developed in Catalonia are the following: