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Landscape and tourism

Landscape and tourism

The landscape is a fundamental ingredient in most trips. In a country of landscapes such as Catalonia, with such high richness and diversity of landscapes, the landscape has - and will play even more in the future - a key role in answering the new questions of contemporary tourism. All over the world, the most successful tourism policies with full guarantees of survival in the future revolve around strategies for the promotion and preservation of the landscape, whether natural, rural or urban. And the consideration of landscape values in tourism policies is key to achieving the objectives of the European Landscape Convention and the Catalan Landscape Law.

Enogastronomia i paisatge. El paper dels paisatges agraris singulars en rutes enogastronòmiques

Document prepared with the collaboration of the General Directorate of Tourism of the Ministry of Business and Labor of the Government of Catalonia which states how linking food and wine, and the landscape is a magnificent opportunity to create a tourist product that combines agriculture with heritage, history, culture, identity and creativity, based on the richness, diversity and uniqueness of the Catalan agricultural landscapes.

Carreteres, paisatge i turisme. Bases per a la definició d’un model per a Catalunya

Document elaborated in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Tourism of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge, with the aim of defining a model for Catalonia that relates roads, landscape and tourism.