Landscape glossary

Landscape glossary

Compilation of terms related to landscape planning and management in alphabetical order. The terms have been defined by the Landscape Observatory, as well as by other sources, including the Landscape Law of Catalonia and the European Landscape Convention.

Aesthetic value of the landscape
A landscape's capacity to transmit a certain feeling of beauty, depending on the significance and cultural appreciation that it has acquired throughout history, also the intrinsic value of the colours, diversity, form, proportions, scale, texture and unity of the elements forming the landscape.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Appreciation of landscape
The fact of making the environmental, cultural, visual and perceived aspects of landscape valuable.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Communication in the landscape
Transmission of cultural meaning in relation to one or more landscapes through information technology and means.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape integration strategy consisting in the whole or partial hiding from view of certain elements, considered undesirable from certain viewpoints.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia
Landscape integration strategy based on the establishment of continuity between pre-existing and new elements, through reference to typological, volumetric, structural and chromatic guidelines, etc.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia
Fund for the protection, management and planning of the landscape
Financial instrument of the Government of Catalonia for the purpose of allocating funds to actions for the improvement and preservation of the landscape, addressed to public bodies, private entities and individuals and legal persons acting with these objectives.
Act 8/2005 for the protection, management and planning of the landscape
Historical value of the landscape
Traces – tangible or intangible – of human activity of current relevance to the landscape.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Identity value of the landscape
Element of the landscape or landscapes as a whole with a substantial symbolic or identity-based meaning for local people, who establish relationships of belonging to or identifying with it.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Intangible cultural heritage
Uses, representations, expressions, knowledge and techniques - together with the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces inherent to them - that communities, groups and, on certain occasions, individuals, recognise as an integral part of their cultural heritage. This intangible cultural heritage, which is passed on from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups according to their surroundings, their interaction with nature and their history, instilling in them a sense of identity and continuity and in this way contributing to promoting a respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage
Knowledge of the landscape
Level of education and recognition of the landscape pertaining to and experienced by a given population.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
An area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape agent
Individual or public or private entity interested in landscape, which uses it or has competence in its management.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape assessment
Process directed at finding out about the state, dynamics and tendencies of the landscape, at analysing the results obtained and making the relevant judgments.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape catalogue
Documents of a descriptive and prospective nature, applicable to territorial ambits, which define the types of landscapes in Catalonia, identify their values and state of preservation and propose the quality objectives to be met.
Act 8/2005 for the protection, management and planning of the landscape
Landscape character
Set of clearly recognisable features which contribute to making one landscape different from another, neither better nor worse.
The Countryside Agency / Scotish Natural Heritage
Landscape Charter
Instrument of strategies settled between public and private agents, applicable at local, supramunicipal or district level, for the purpose of carrying out actions for the protection, planning and management of the landscape, and with the objective of maintaining its values.
Act 8/2005 for the protection, management and planning of the landscape
Landscape Creation
Intervention on a portion of the territory for the purpose of improving landscape conditions and creating a newly imagined one in the event that the original has been lost or deteriorated.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape criteria
The opinions through which judgements or decisions are made on the protection, planning and management of the landscape.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape Directives
Directives which, based on the Landscape Catalogues, set out the proposed landscape quality objectives and incorporate them into the regulation of the partial territorial plans or land master plans.
Act 8/2005 for the protection, management and planning of the landscape
Landscape diversity
Wealth in landscape configuration and character, whether through specific elements or in landscapes as a whole.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape dynamics
Natural and human activities and processes which affect the present configuration of the landscape.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape education
Initiatives in training and teaching in order to promote knowledge of the landscape and sensitivity to the importance of its values and quality.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape element
Individual component forming the landscape.
The Countryside Agency / Scotish Natural Heritage
Landscape evolution
Gradual process by which a landscape changes from one state to another.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape feature
Landscape element or combination of elements which contributing to giving it its character.
The Countryside Agency / Scotish Natural Heritage
Landscape fragility
Susceptibility of a landscape to the deterioration of its natural, cultural, visual and perceived values.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape fragmentation
Result of a process of breaking-up of the continuity of a landscape and its coherence.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape impact
Disturbance in the landscape caused by a natural phenomenon or by human activity.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape impact and integration report
Written report for the purpose of assessing the suitability and adequacy of the criteria or measures adopted in the landscape impact and integration studies, in order to integrate the actions, uses, works or activities to be undertaken into the landscape.
Decree 343/2006, of 19th September, through which the Act 8/2005, of 8th June, on the protection, management and planning of the landscape is implemented and regulated
Landscape impact and integration study
Technical document designed to consider the consequences on the landscape of carrying out actions, building proposal or activities and to set out the criteria adopted for their integration.
Decree 343/2006, of 19th September, through which the Act 8/2005, of 8th June, on the protection, management and planning of the landscape is implemented and regulated
Landscape improvement
Evolution of the landscape in order to reach a better state.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape indicator
Quantitative or qualitative element allowing an assessment and regular monitoring of the evolution and state of the landscape, people's satisfaction with their landscape and the effectiveness of public and private initiatives for its improvement.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape integration measure
Action aimed at reducing the landscape impact of a building proposal or infrastructure.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape management
Action, from a perspective of sustainable development, to ensure the regular upkeep of a landscape, so as to guide and harmonise changes which are brought about by social, economic and environmental processes.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape mosaic
Overall pattern formed by the various uses of the land which make up a specific territory.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape planning
Strong forward-looking action to enhance, restore or create landscapes.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape policy
An expression by the competent public authorities of general principles, strategies and guidelines that permit the taking of specific measures aimed at the protection, management and planning of landscapes.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape preservation
Mechanisms designed to safeguard the environmental, cultural, visual and perceived values of a landscape from deterioration or loss.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape protection
Actions to conserve and maintain the significant or characteristic features of a landscape, justified by its heritage value derived from its natural configuration and/or from human activity.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape Quality Objective
For a specific landscape, the formulation by the competent public authorities of the aspirations of the public with regard to the landscape features of their surroundings.
European Landscape Convention
Landscape rehabilitation
Mechanisms designed to halt the degradation or disappearance of an element or group of elements in a landscape and restore them to their original condition, while ensuring their survival for the future.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape restoration
Set of operations for the purpose of ensuring that the visual perception of an area is similar to or develops in concordance with its state before being altered by human activity.
Landscape satisfaction
Expression of the degree of contentment or discontent of the population living in a certain territorial ambit with its landscape, caused by various factors.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape sociability
Quantity and diversity of social relations in the broadest sense, linked to the landscape and generated by the landscape in a certain social spatial and temporal context.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape transformation
Change in the natural or cultural characteristics of the landscape tending to alter its values or appearance.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape unit
Portion of territory characterised by a specific combination of landscape components of an environmental, cultural, perceptive and symbolic nature and with clearly recognisable dynamics which result in an individuality differentiated from the rest of the territory.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape integration strategy consisting of fusing the new elements of the project with pre-existing elements.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia
Landscape integration strategy based on restoring the natural image of places by re-establishing the ecological balance.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia
Perception of the landscape
An individual or group's appreciation of the values of a landscape and its state of preservation.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Preservation of Landscape
Use and management of the landscape compatible with the maintenance of its environmental, cultural, visual and perceived values, for the benefit of society and future generations.
Landscape Observatory
Productive value of the landscape
Capacity of a landscape to provide financial benefits, converting its elements into resources.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Public information
Procedure by which, for a specific period of time, the authorities present a project or plan to the public in order to collect information and suggestions regarding its development.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape integration strategy based on the establishment of new relationships with landscape elements starting from the leading role given to the presence of a new element.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia
Social value of the landscape
Relates to the use made of the landscape by an individual or group with an interest for the community.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Special attention landscapes
Landscape sector with a certain heterogeneity, complexity or singularity from the landscape point of view, which requires specific directives and criteria for its protection, management and planning.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Spiritual value of the landscape
Feature of the landscape or landscapes as a whole related with religious and spiritual practices and beliefs.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
State of the landscape
Set of natural, cultural and symbolic characteristics found in or shown by a specific landscape.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Trivialisation of the landscape
Process by which the landscape loses its natural, cultural or symbolic originality or interest.
Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Landscape in Catalonia
Landscape resources
Documentation Centre
About the Observatory
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