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Landscape, energy and climate change

Landscape, energy and climate change

Catalonia is fully immersed in a scenario of energy transition. And it is in this process of transition that renewal energies become especially relevant to the point of creating new energy landscapes unheard of thus far. This new scenario is an opportunity to learn and apply novel ways of relating to contemporary energy landscapes, and to building a new vision of this type of renewal energy.

Instaŀlacions fotovoltaiques i paisatge. Orientacions per a una adequada implantació a Catalunya

Report issued by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia with landscape criteria for installing photovoltaic systems.

Energia eòlica i paisatge. Orientacions per a una adequada implantació a Catalunya

Document prepared by the Landscape Observatory in 2013, commissioned by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia. The document is addressed to technicians, professionals and developers, as well as local communities and institutions, with the objective to serve as a basis to help decide the places and the best conditions for the development of new wind projects, with the landscape quality as a main goal.

Guides and documents to improve landscape quality
Wind farms
Font: Ministeri francès de l'Ecologia, l'Energia, el Desenvolupament sostenible i el Mar. 2010
Font: Oficina federal de l'energia (OFEN). Confederació suïssa. 2010
Font: Scottish Natural Heritage. Govern d'Escòcia. 2009
Font: Scottish Natural Heritage, The Scottish Renewables Forum i Scottish Society of Directors of Planning. 2006
Font: Departament dels bens culturals i paisatgístics. Ministeri dels bens i activitats culturals. Govern d'Itàlia. 2006
Font: Departament de Comerç i Indústria (DTI). Govern del Regne Unit. 2005
Photovoltaic plants
Font: Direcció general de l'energia i del clima. Ministeri francès de l'Ecologia, l'Energia, el Desenvolupament sostenible i el Mar. 2009
Font: Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural. 2022