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The Centre

The Centre

The Documentation Centre is a place for information and consultation, with the aim of becoming a centre of reference in matters of landscape in Catalonia.

The theme of the Centre is landscape in a wide sense (health, education, psychology, architecture, heritage, art...) and especially landscape planning and management in Catalonia, Spain and the rest of the world.



  • Consultation of the collection: the Documentation Centre collection contain monographs, periodical publications, unpublished documents, print media, audiovisual documents… Consultation is free and open to everyone.

  • Face-to-face consultation of the Documentation Centre: the centre and its bibliographic collection are accessible to the public and only by appointment.

  • Creation of thematic bibliographies: landscape and territorial policies, landscape strategies, methodologies, urban planning...

  • Interlibrary lending: lending of documents to other libraries or Documentation Centres in Catalonia, Spain and Europe.

  • Exchange of information and documentation with organisations, institutions and researchers.

Visits must be arranged sending an e-mail to centre.documentacio@catpaisatge.net or by calling (+34) 972 273 564.

The Centre is part of the Catalan network DocAmbCat, the network RECIDA (Network of Environmental Information and Documentation Centres) at national level and the Network of Landscape Documentation Centres at European level.


Headquarters of the Landscape Observatory (c. Hospici, 8 –17800 Olot)