Collection of links with different itineraries for industrial landscapes. It must be said that it only includes those itineraries which have an active website. Unfortunately, this criterion inevitably excludes others itineraries of great interest, but which aren't in the net.
Route along the Llobregat River, beside the old textile colony of Viladomiu Vell, which explains the relation of the industrial colonies with their natural surroundings and the elements and basic spaces of every colony (gardens, dam, canal, etc.).
Tour of one of the emblems of industrial architecture at the end of the 19th century, declared World Heritage by UNESCO.
The Ter Industrial Museum offers this tour of the textile colony of Scottish origin in Borgonyà, one of the most significant and well-preserved industrial colonies in Catalonia.
Route created by Mataró City Council to understand the evolution of the industrial landscape in the city and its urban transformation.
Route promoted by the Llobregat River Park Consortium to take in all the sights of L'Ametlla de Merola, one of the most iconic textile colonies of Berguedà county.
Route promoted by the Llobregat River Park Consortium, which links up the most significant textile colonies in Berguedà county. Two routes are offered: one to make on foot and another on mountain bike.
3.5km-route with a train that linked the Asland cement factory of Castellar de n'Hug with Guardiola del Berguedà.
Routes through the landscapes of Capdella, Gerri de la Sal and the Àreu sawmill, with extensive historical and technical information. Very interesting from the visual point of view to give visitors an idea of the landscape of these places.
Route that links Ripoll, Sant Joan de les Abadesses and Ogassa following the old train line that transported coal extracted from the mines of Ogassa.
Description of a walking route through the main sites of Igualada's industrial landscape: the tannery district (listed as Industrial Heritage Site of Catalonia) and Igualada irrigation channel.
Three-kilometre route along the Semène River, in Haute-Loire, where seven old forges specialised in the production of scythes and sickles are located.
Trips through a rich industrial heritage shaped by 150 years of history in the Ruhr region with blast furnaces, gasometers and headframes, and with special attention paid to viewpoints where visitors can take in the area's industrial landscape.
This tourist website offers guided tours of the port of Rotterdam, the largest in Europe.
Urban route that runs through the industrial past of Krakow, visiting different buildings of a civic, industrial or transport nature that were important in the city's industrial history.
United Kingdom
Different walks to discover the best-hidden spots in Blaenavon, declared World Heritage by UNESCO for its industrial landscapes.
Routes around different sites in northwestern England that witnessed the emergence of the industrial revolution. The website allows visitors to discover how industrial growth affected the landscape through the years.
Industrial and mining route through Mieres, which can be expanded to different zones in the Turón Valley.
Map with the route and a listing of the points of interest of the industrial route; this route is linked to the Shipbuilding Museum of Asturias.
Route inspired by the personal diary of Gaspar Melchor María de Jovellanos that runs through the rural landscape of Asturias, visiting various mining and industrial enclaves.
Route that follows a stretch of the Cuerpo de Hombre River, in Béjar, flanked by many textile factories, many of which have been abandoned and reflect the past splendour of this industry, so decisive for the landscape and inhabitants of the area.
The Basque Country
Route linked to iron mining in Biscay; expands the industrial route with tours of other mining towns and travels up a cable car with views of the Bilbao estuary.