Teoría y paisaje: reflexiones desde miradas interdisciplinarias

Teoría y paisaje

Luna, Toni; Valverde, Isabel (dir.) (2011). Reflexiones desde miradas interdisciplinarias. Barcelona: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; Universitat Pompeu Fabra. (Teoría y paisaje; 1). ISBN: 978-84-615-4911-5

The book is the result of seminar Teoría y Paisaje, which was held in Barcelona in February 2010. The seminar was organized by Toni Luna and Isabel Valverde and supported by the Institute of Culture of the Pompeu Fabra University and the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia. The seminar assembled a group of leading specialists in different aspects of the landscape -from architects and planners to art historians, geographers or philosophers- with the aim to discuss methodological and epistemological issues about the concept of landscape from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Unlike other publications by the Observatory, the papers are published in the language of the original presentation at the seminar (Spanish, English or French).


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