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Paisatge i participació ciutadana


Nogué, Joan; Puigbert, Laura; Sala, Pere; Bretcha, Gemma (eds.) (2010). Paisatge i participació ciutadana. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; Barcelona: Direcció General de Participació Ciutadana del Departament d’Interior, Relacions Institucionals i Participació Ciutadana de la Generalitat de Catalunya. (Documentació; 1). ISBN: 978-84-614-0248-9

The European Landscape Convention states that it is vital for citizens and the Administration to participate together in the decisions affecting the protection, management and planning of the landscape. It establishes that participatory processes must be encouraged in order to make this possible. However, in the area of landscape management and planning, there is not as yet a participatory methodology that has been unanimously recognised or even tried out. Therefore, public participation in the landscape catalogues of Catalonia can be regarded as a pioneering experiment. This gives a special interest to the present publication, Landscape and public participation, being the first volume of the new series "Documents", with a shorter and more agile format than the "Plecs de Paisatge" series. The text describes and evaluates the tools that have been used, establishing key elements that must be taken into account when carrying out a participatory process of this kind.

  • This version is also available in paper


Marc Rius i Piniés, General Director of Public Participation. Ministry of Home Affairs, Institutional Relations and Participation of the Government of Catalonia.
Jean-François Seguin, President of the Council of Europe Conference
Joan Nogué, Director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
  1. Introduction

  2. Public participation

    2.1. Overview of public participation 2.2. Public participation in Catalonia and Europe

  3. Landscape policies

    3.1. The European Landscape Convention 3.2. The Landscape Act of Catalonia 3.3. Landscape catalogues

    3.3.1. Identifying and describing landscape 3.3.2. Evaluating landscape 3.3.3. Defining landscape quality objectives 3.3.4. Establishing criteria and actions

  4. Public participation in the landscape catalogues

    4.1. Methodology

    4.1.1. Participants 4.1.2. Methodological design and typology of participatory techniques 4.2. Tools used

    4.2.1. Telephone survey 4.2.2. Opinion poll 4.2.3. Public consultation via the web 4.2.4. Interviews with landscape agents 4.2.5. Discussion group 4.2.6. Workshops with landscape agents 4.2.7. Workshops with individuals 4.2.8. Open workshops 4.3. Information, communication and feedback

    4.3.1. Information sessions on the catalogues 4.3.2. Landscape Inbox 4.3.3. Participation feedback 4.4. Some results of the landscape catalogues participatory processes

    4.4.1. Influence of the participatory process 4.4.2. Main contributions of the participatory process

  5. Concluding remarks

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