Number: 2

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Landscape Planning at a Local Level in Europe


Sala, Pere; Laura Puigbert, Laura; Bretcha, Gemma (eds.) (2014). La planificació del paisatge en l'àmbit local a Europa = Landscape planning at a local level in Europe. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; Andorra la Vella: Govern d'Andorra. (Documents; 2). ISBN 978-84-617-3805-2.

At last, the landscape has reached the local world. This is how it had to be as the local scale is the most immediate one, the closest one to managing everyday landscapes. The local administrations are aware of this and have started to see the landscape as a driving force behind the development of the territories they administer. With this in mind, the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of the Andorran Government, has carried out a study to get to know the main landscape planning tools and experiences in the local area that exist in Europe in greater depth, to be able to analyse their link to local planning. Therefore, this document should be understood as a tool that is being offered to the local world to be able to find points of reference, ideas and concepts that are applicable or adaptable to each reality.

  • Both versions are also printed in one book


Francesc Camp Torres, Minister of Tourism and Environment of the Andorran Government
Joan Nogué, Director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
  1. Introducction

  2. Landscape policies

    2.1. Germany 2.2. France 2.3. The Netherlands 2.4. The United Kingdom 2.5. Switzerland 2.6. The Walloon Region, Belgium

  3. Landscape planning tools

    3.1. Landscape Plan 3.2. Landscape Charter 3.3. Regional Natural Park Charter 3.4. Landscape Plan 3.5. Protection Perimeter and Recovery of Periurban Agricultural Areas 3.6. Green and Blue Network 3.7. Landscape Development Plan 3.8. Landscape Quality Plan 3.9. Aesthetic Quality Regulation and Framework Plan 3.10. Green Infrastructure 3.11. Landscape Development Plan 3.12. Landscape Programme

  4. Landscape in urban planning

    4.1. Territorial Coherence Plan 4.2. Local Urban Development Plan 4.3. Area of valorisation of Architecture and Heritage 4.4. Zoning Plan with respect to the LOK 4.5. Landscape Character Assessment in Local Planning

  5. Financial tools

    5.1. 1% Landscape and Development Policy 5.2. Heritage Lottery Fund 5.3. The Swiss Landscape Fund

  6. Reflections on landscape planning at a local level

  7. Bibliography

  8. Abbreviations and acronyms

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