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Wind energy and landscape. Guidelines for an adequate implementation in Catalonia

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Sala i Martí, Pere; Grau, Jordi; Saladié, Sergi; Colafranceschi, Daniela; Manfredi, Fabio (2013). Energia eòlica i paisatge. Orientacions per a una adequada implantació a Catalunya [inèdit]. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge; Direcció General de Polítiques Ambientals del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Document prepared by the Landscape Observatory in 2013, commissioned by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia. The document is addressed to technicians, professionals and developers, as well as local communities and institutions, with the objective to serve as a basis to help decide the places and the best conditions for the development of new wind projects, with the landscape quality as a main goal.

Energia eòlica i paisatge. Orientacions per a una adequada implantació a Catalunya.

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