Landscape calendar
Paisajes Industriales Andaluces. Los Paisajes de la Sal
14 and 15 October 2016
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3. Córdoba
Organized by: Centro de Estudios Andaluzes
Convention - Paysage
14 and 15 October 2016
Bois du Cazier (Marcinelle). Bèlgica
Organized by: ASBL Centre du Paysage
Re – Connections in landscape
From 12 to 15 October 2016
Bucharest and Campulung Muscel. Romania
Organized by: ‘'ION MINCU'' University of Architecture and Urbanism
Terraced Landscapes:Choosing the future
From 6 to 15 October 2016
Venecia - Padova (Itàlia)
Organized by: International Terraced Landscapes Alliance. Veneto Region. University of Padua. University IUAV Venice
III Incontro Mondiale sui Paesaggi Terrazzati
From 6 to 15 October 2016
Venècia i Padova
Organized by: Regione del Veneto, Università di Padova, Università IUAV di Venezia
Art, patrimoni i paisatge
8 and 9 October 2016
Vall de Bianya
Organized by: Associació Binari. Ajuntament de la Vall de Bianya
XIII Land Art Campi Flegrei
From 24 September to 9 October 2016
Lago d'Averno. Via Averno Lato Destro. Pozzuoli (Itàlia)
Organized by: Associazione Leaf
People and Place: Oral History in Ireland
7 and 8 October 2016
University College Cork. Cork (Ireland)
Organized by: Heritage Council
18th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
From 5 to 7 October 2016
Yerevan. Armenia
Organized by: Council of Europe. Ministry of Urban Development of Armenia
Green heritage and green infrastructure : evolution or revolution in society?
From 5 to 7 October 2016
Grand Theater of Albi (France)
Organized by: Hortis
The future of churches. Identity system for the valorization of local contexts
From 5 to 7 October 2016
Palazzo Magnani of Bologna (Italy)
Organized by: Theological Faculty of Emilia-Romagna, Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci
Engendering Habitat III
5 and 6 October 2016
Organized by: GenderSTE
X European Mountain Convention
From 3 to 5 October 2016
Teatro Municipal de Bragança. Portugal
Organized by: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Centro de Investigaçao de Montanha
25 + 2 PALMADOTZE Art, vi i paisatge
From 19 August to 2 October 2016
Capella del Vinseum. Vilafranca del Penedès
Organized by: Palmadotze i Vinseum
Premis d'Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 2016
From 28 June to 2 October 2016
Sala d'exposicions de la Delegació de l'Alt Empordà. Plaça de l'Església, 6. Figueres
Organized by: COAC
Forestier a Montjuïc. El jardí com a obra d'art
From 31 March to 2 October 2016
Sala 20 del pati d'armes del Castell de Montjuïc
Organized by: Institut de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona
9 Biennal Internacional de Paisatge Rosa Barba
From 29 September to 1 October 2016
COAC. Plaça Nova 5, 2a planta. Barcelona
Organized by: COAC
Simposio internacional sobre paisajes culturales de la lista de patrimonio cultural
From 28 to 30 September 2016
Castellón de la Plana
Organized by: Universitat Jaume I i Fundació Universitat Empresa
Camins d'aquíd'allà
From 20 August to 30 September 2016
Bosc de Can Ginebreda
Organized by: Bosc de Can Ginebreda
Paradís Perdut
From 13 to 27 September 2016
Organized by: Filmoteca de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
La creación del paisaje contemporáneo
From 7 July to 25 September 2016
Centro de arte contemporáneo DA2 (Domus Artium 2002). Salamanca
Organized by: Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas. DKV
Paisatge Urbà
From 26 August to 15 September 2016
Llibreria Papasseit. Pl. Gispert, 2. Manresa
Organized by: Llibreria Papasseit
Bridging de Gap
From 11 to 14 September 2016
Rapperswil. Switzerland
Organized by: Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil. Geneva University
Alpine Seminar
10 and 11 September 2016
Bergamo. Itàlia
Organized by: Arketipos. Comune di Bergamo
Dry Stone: constructions and built heritage
From 9 to 11 September 2016
Argostolion, Island of Cephalonia. Greece
Organized by: Cephalonia-Ithaca Foundation (IKI) , International Scientific Society for Dry Stone Interdisciplinary Study