Landscape calendar
Across the Stones | Images, Landscape and Memory
From 17 to 22 September 2017
Cortona (Italy)
Organized by: UNISCAPE
Mirades properes. El valor educatiu de la fotografia
From 24 April to 22 September 2017
Cal Jove. Sant Llorenç d'Hortons
Organized by: Escola Pau Casals
12th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
From 18 to 20 September 2017
Organized by: Wessex Institute, Universidad de Sevila
Arquitectures desaparegudes
From 13 July to 18 September 2017
Sala d'Exposicions de la Demarcació de Tarragona del Col.legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
Organized by: COAC
III Taller d'escriptura i natura
16 and 17 September 2017
Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera
Organized by: Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera
Jornades sobre Patrimoni i Desenvolupament. El Castell de València d'Àneu
From 14 to 17 September 2017
Auditori del centre MónNatura Pirineus a les Planes de Son. Alt Àneu
Organized by: Consell Cultural de les Valls d'Àneu, Ajuntament d'Alt Àneu, Diputació de Lleida, Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs i MónNatura Pirineus
Progettare il paesagio storico
From 10 to 16 September 2017
Ex convento di S. Domenio. Via G. Mazzini, 27. Narni (Itàlia)
Organized by: Sapienza Università di Roma
XI Taller internacional Ciudad y agua
From 13 to 15 September 2017
Salón del Patio de la Infanta (Ibercaja). Zaragoza
Organized by: Universidad San Jorge, Colegio oficial de arquitectos de Aragón
International Symposium on greener cities for more efficient ecosystem services in a climate changing world
From 12 to 15 September 2017
Bologna. Itàlia
Organized by: University of Bologna
IALE 2017 European Congress
From 12 to 15 September 2017
Ghent. Bèlgica
Organized by: IALE-Europe, Ghent University
ECLAS 2017 Conference in Greenwich
From 10 to 13 September 2017
University of Greenwich. Londres
Organized by: ECLAS
Los paisajes invisibles
From 2 June to 12 September 2017
Galería Javier Silva. Renedo, 8-10 bajo. Valladolid
Organized by: Galería Javier Silva
Monumenta 25 anys
From 20 July to 11 September 2017
Jardí del Palau Robert. Passeig de Gràcia, 107. Barcelona
Organized by: Associació Monumenta
Gabriele Basilico. Entropía y espacio urbano
From 30 May to 10 September 2017
Museo ICO. Paseo del Prado, 4. Madrid
Organized by: Museo ICO
International Symposium on Soil- and Water Bioengineering in a Changing Climate
7 and 8 September 2017
School of Engineering and Built Environment; Glasgow Caledonian University. Glasgow (UK)
Organized by: Glasgow Caledonian University; EFIB; ECOMED
European forum on historic gardens
7 and 8 September 2017
Lloret de Mar
Organized by: European Network of Historic Gardens
The Landscape Architecture of Oehme van Sweden, Nassau
From 3 August to 7 September 2017
The Manes Family Art & Education Center. Nassau County Museum of Art
Organized by: The Cultural Landscape Foundation
The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin
From 24 May to 4 September 2017
Palace of Fine Arts. 3301 Lyon St. San Francisco
Organized by: Palace of Fine Arts
Paisatges d'Osona, a peu de cavallet
From 30 June to 3 September 2017
Museu de l'Art de la Pell. C. Arquebisbe Alemany, 5. Vic
Organized by: Ajuntament de Vic, Museu de l'Art de la Pell, Institució Puig-Porret i Vic, ciutat de la mesura humana
Bestiario. Guillem Vidal
From 6 June to 3 September 2017
Mueso Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. Madrid
Organized by: Mueso Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
Paisaje como lenguaje sensible en el urbanismo y la arquitectura
From 28 August to 1 September 2017
Córdoba (Argentina)
Organized by: Instituto del Paisaje; Corporación Patrimonio & Paisaje
12è curs d'Il·lustració científica
From 28 August to 1 September 2017
Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera
Organized by: Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera
Land-system science for analysing dynamic landscapes, data, tools and models
From 27 August to 1 September 2017
Seminarhotel Lihn (Suïssa)
Organized by: Zentrum Landschaft
L'image - paysage
From 16 to 30 August 2017
Espacio Portalet. Frontera de el Portalet. Sallent de Gállego (Huesca)
Organized by: Espacio Portalet
Construint el territori. Arquitectura tradicional i paisatge a Catalunya
From 7 July to 28 August 2017
Espai Baix Ter del Museu de la Mediterrània. Torroella de Montgrí
Organized by: Museu de la Mediterrània