Landscape calendar
Successful Cities – Strategies for management
8 and 9 October 2006
Oslo (Norge)
Organized by: NORDREGIO (Nordic Centre for Spatial Devlopment)
ASLA Annual Meeting & EXPO and 43rd IFLA World Congress
From 6 to 9 October 2006
Minneapolis. Minnesota (USA)
Organized by: American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
International Flora Montréal
From 16 June to 9 October 2006
Montréal (Canada)
Organized by: International Flora Montréal
Heritage and Media in Europe - Contributing towards Integration and Regional Development
From 5 to 8 October 2006
Weimar (Deutschland - D)
Organized by: HERMES (Heritage and New Media for Sustainable Regional Development)
9º Congresso Brasileiro de Paisagismo
From 4 to 8 October 2006
Centro de Exposiçoes Imigrantes (Sao Paulo)
Organized by: Associados Feiras e Exposiçoes / ABAP
Environmental & Landscape Change: Addressing an Interdisciplinary Agenda
From 2 to 8 October 2006
Aberdeen. Scotland (United Kingdom - UK)
Organized by: University of Aberdeen, School of Geosciences, The Macaulay Institute
2006 Giardini di lago in Europa
From 30 September to 8 October 2006
Museo del paesaggio. Verbania (Italia)
Organized by: Regione piemonte, Provincia del Verbano Cusio Ossola, Museo del Paesaggio di Verbania, Comune di Verbana, Rassegna
2a setmana i+ de la custòdia del territori
From 29 September to 8 October 2006
Arreu de Catalunya
Organized by: xct (xarxa de custòdia del territori)
Landscape Planning for Russia: Results and Prospects
From 5 to 7 October 2006
Organized by: Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch
Implementation of landscape ecology in the new and changing condition
From 4 to 7 October 2006
Stará Lesná, High Tatra Mts (Slovakia)
Organized by: Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS
Journées des parcs en Camargue
From 4 to 7 October 2006
Parc de Camargue (France)
Organized by: Parcs naturels régionaux de France; Parc naturel régional de Camargue
14th International Symposium on Problems of Landscape Ecological Research
From 4 to 7 October 2006
Starà Lesná, High Tatra Mts. Bratislava (Slovenska - SK)
Organized by: Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV (Institut of Landscape Ecology. Slovak Academy of Sciences)
1er Congreso Paisaje e Infraestructuras
From 4 to 7 October 2006
Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes de Sevilla. Sevilla (Andalucía)
Organized by: Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transporte.
Congreso internacional sobre el bosque cultivado: Bosques Plantados y Desarrollo Sostenible
From 3 to 7 October 2006
Bilbao (Euskadi)
Organized by: USSE, Proyecto NETFOP y IEFC
Curso Paisagismo para Pequenos Espaços
From 23 September to 7 October 2006
Centro de Tecnologia em Design. Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bloco E / 3º andar - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Organized by: UFMT – Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; ABAP – Associação Brasileira de Arquitetos Paisagistas
Water and the Landscape: the Landscape Ecology of Freshwater Ecosystems
5 and 6 October 2006
Oxford Brookes University (UK)
Organized by: International Association for Landscape Ecology. Uk Region
Ecofòrum 2006
From 3 to 5 October 2006
Vapor Universitari. Terrassa (Vallès Occidental)
Organized by: Ajuntament de Terrassa
Cinquanta paisatges de Mallorca
From 24 August to 1 October 2006
Nova sala d'exposicions de l'Estació de tren de Sóller
Organized by: Fundació Tren de l'Art
7ème Festival International des Jardins de Métis
From 24 June to 1 October 2006
Grand-Métis (Canada)
Organized by: Jardins de Métis/Reford Gardens
Fifth meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention: 'Landscape quality objectives: from theory to practice'
From 28 to 30 September 2006
Auditori - Palau de Congressos de Girona (Girona)
Organized by: Consell d'Europa, Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Dept. PTOP, Observatori del Paisatge
Saló Professional dels Vivers
From 28 to 30 September 2006
Palau de Fires de Girona
Organized by: Viversites de Girona
Records d'un final d'estiu: Santiago Rusiñol al país del paisatge
From 7 to 30 September 2006
Sala d'exposicions de Can Trincheria. Olot (Garrotxa)
Organized by: Institut de Cultura de la Ciutat d'Olot
Un atelier. Projet urbain à Breda
28 and 29 September 2006
Breda (Pays-Bas - NL)
Symbolism in 18th century gardens
28 and 29 September 2006
Schloss Schwetzingen (Deutschland - D)
Organized by: OVN, foundation for the advancement of academic study of the history of freemasonry in the Netherlands; Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Amt Mannheim; Dr. Monika Scholl i Prof.Dr.Jan Snoek
Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Consequences of Human Management
From 26 to 29 September 2006
Locorotondo, Bari (Italia)
Organized by: IUFRO 8.01.03 (Landscape ecology)