Landscape maps

Emblematic scenic backdrops

Differences in elevation between mountain ranges and depressions often create interesting scenic backgrounds with symbolic, identity-related and aesthetic value that are visible from great distances. These are persistent horizons, which gives them an important role in shaping or structuring the landscape. As a result, they become prominent visual landmarks easily identifiable by their shape. Their high visual exposure makes them omnipresent and inseparable from landscapes with sweeping panoramas. This is why the local population often develops a sense of belonging, an emotional or spiritual connection frequently strengthened by combination with unique vegetation or the isolated presence of a rural church, tower, castle or other significant structure.

Map of the emblematic scenic backdrops

Formats for viewing and downloading the emblematic scenic backdrops:

(last update: september 2024)

Content: Map of the emblematic scenic backdrops of Catalonia published by the Landscape Observatory. 1:330.000. Format: pdf
Content: emblematic scenic backdrops of Catalonia. Format: ArcGis shapefile 

Content: emblematic scenic backdrops of Catalonia. Format: kmz de Google Earth

Content: the landscape units of Catalonia in Instamaps (ICGC)
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