Landscape calendar

Roads in the Landscape

9 and 10 May 2018
Sala d’actes del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat

The relationships between the landscape and roads have habitually been approached from the perspective of integrating roads into the landscape. This is a highly relevant factor, but it is not sufficient. The seminar hopes to deal with a whole series of aspects of the road/landscape relationship that are not usually considered. In this way, for example, many roads (in particular secondary ones) have a high heritage value, as historically they have organised and contributed to shaping the territory. By having become a massive form of access to knowledge about the territory, roads have an enormous educational potential. Finally, they highlight the diversity of landscapes in the country, and generate highly diverse tourist and leisure experiences.

Organised by: The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the Secretariat of Infrastructures and Mobility of the Catalan Department of Territory and Sustainability

Languages: There will be a simultaneous interpretation service from Catalan into English and from English into Catalan during the first day.

Registration: Registration fee is 20€ and includes the launch of the first day. / tel. 972 27 35 64

Twitter: #paisatgeviari

Organized by: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya i Secretaria d’Infraestructures i Mobilitat del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat
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