Landscape calendar

Micro-towns: landscape, urbanism and territorial identity

15 April 2016
Sant Miquel de Campmajor

All too often, the debate on micro-villages revolves around whether they should maintain their political autonomy or the depopulation dynamics they have suffered in recent decades, forgetting other fundamental dimensions, such as their role in the structuring of the territory and the preservation of high quality landscapes. Or the fact that they have become veritable laboratories for new ways of life and territorial governance, as well as drivers of innovative local development strategies, often accompanied by new energy models. These are spaces of social and collective life that connect perfectly with the axis of reflection and action 'Living and producing in a quality environment', one of the ten in the CATPAISATGE 2020 roadmap of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia.

Organised by: The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

Participating: the Micro-towns Association of Catalonia and the Town Hall of Sant Miquel de Campmajor

Languages: The presentations will be in the language in which they appear in the program. There will be no simultaneous translation service.

Twitter: #micropoblescat

Organized by: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya Collaborate: Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya i Ajuntament de Sant Miquel de Campmajor.

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