Landscape calendar

El paisatge com a bé comú

10 April 2015
Ateneu Popular 9 barris

The idea of the common asset reappears today with more strength than ever and its reappearance cannot be separated from the increasingly widespread desire to try out new forms of governing places or from the ever growing vindication for a new culture of the territory. The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, always aware of current matters of great social relevance, aims to contribute to the debate through this seminar, by reflecting on one of the most evident common assets and, at the same time, one that often goes unnoticed: the landscape. What does considering the landscape as a common asset really involve? We will debate this on 10 April 2015 at the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris in Barcelona, a social and cultural centre with community management in a district of Barcelona that understands cultural and artistic action to be authentic tools for social and territorial transformation.

Participant: Ugo Mattei, Marina Garcés, Raül Romeva et David Bravo.

Languages: The conferences will be given in the language of the title contained in the program. There will be no simultaneous translation service.

Twitter: #catpaisatge10

How to arrive: Ateneu Popular 9 barris. Carrer Portlligat 11-15. Barcelona. Metro: Trinitat Nova (L3 i L4).

Organized by: Landscape Observatory

Collaboration: Ateneu Popular 9 barris

Organized by: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya Collaborate: Ateneu Popular 9 barris


Democratitzar el paisatge
David Bravo (Catalan)
Reapropiacions i usos comuns dels espais públics a Nou Barris
Round table with the participation of Can Masdeu, Casal de Barri de Prosperitat, Horts de Porta et Barri Roquetes (Catalan and Spanish)
Landscape in Catalonia
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