Landscape calendar

Landscape, heritage and water. The memory of territory

16 and 17 October 2014
Museu del Ter, Manlleu

Water has historically been one of the main structural and connecting factors in the landscape in our latitudes. The long-term occupation of the land and its shaping by human societies which have established themselves on it largely explained by water whether in the form of springs, rivers and streams or lakes and pondsHence today, it is difficult to discuss landscape without associating it to water and to the heritage that has developed around it. A heritage - one linked to the landscapes of water - which here is intrinsically bonded to the course of several rivers that are developing new roles and taking on new meanings . With this seminar, the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia seeks to reflect on the question from an interdisciplinary and international perspective.

Registration: Registration is mandatory. The price is 15 euros and includes lunch on the first day.

Method of payment: Bank transfer to Consorci de l'Observatori del Paisatge, account number 2013 0753 76 0200707266 of CatalunyaCaixa. Once the registration has been completed, the money will not be returned.

Languages: The presentations will be in the language in which they appear in the program. There will be no simultaneous translation service.

Twitter: #aiguapaisatge

Organised by: The Landscape Observatory of Cataloia

Sponsorsed: Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL)

Participating: Industrial Museum of Ter River

Organized by: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya With the support of: Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) Collaborate: Museu del Ter
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