Landscape calendar

Challenges in mapping the landscape: territorial dynamics and intangible values

29 and 30 September 2011
Auditori Felip Pedrell (Sala 2) Passeig de Ribera, 11. Tortosa

Landscape mapping is opening up new horizons with real future challenges throughout Europe. Drawing up the catalogues of the Catalan landscape involved a tremendous amount of innovation and imagination to inventory, interpret and map out the elements, values and dynamics of the landscape, and to represent landscape quality goals on a map, without many models to follow. How do you map intangible values related to the landscape? Can values that correspond to one’s sensorial (not merely visual) and emotional perception of a specific landscape be represented or symbolized? How do you represent the changing and extremely rapid dynamics of the urban peripheries? How do you use maps to identify and explain the new landscape identities that are emerging in certain territories? How can you map the aspirations of a group of people for a specific landscape? These and other questions have led the Landscape Observatory to organize a seminar to discuss the concepts and technical and imaging innovations needed to obtain new landscape maps encompassing all the mentioned features and specially focused on the land and sector-specific policies and also on the landscape awareness.

Organised by: Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

With the collaboration of: Consorci de Serveis Agroambientals de les Comarques del Baix Ebre i Montsià (CODE) and Ajuntament de Tortosa

Languages: Presentations will be given in the language stated in this program. No simultaneous interpreting services will be provided.

Twitter: #cartopaisatge

Organized by: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya Collaborate: Consorci de Serveis Agroambientals de les Comarques del Baix Ebre i Montsià (CODE) i Ajuntament de Tortosa
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