What is the Landscape Observatory
The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia is an advisory body of the Government of Catalonia and Catalan society in general on matters of landscape. It's organised in the form of a consortium, is attached to the Department of Territory of the Government of Catalonia and is included in the Law 8/2005, of 8 June, on the protection, management and planning of the landscape, which follows the principles of the European Landscape Convention. It was legally constituted on the 30th of November 2004 and its statues were published in the DOGC (Resolution PTO/3386/2004).
The Observatory is the place where theoretical reflection and practical application meet at the service of landscape protection, management and planning policies. It is a shared, open and receptive meeting point, halfway between civil society, the administration and the academic and professional sectors in everything related to landscape culture.
And how do we define landscape?