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57. April-June 18
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

Integrating Landscape Throughout Land Planning

Agustí Serra
Director General of Spatial planning and urbanism, Catalan government

The culture of landscape in our country has been subject to a progressively maturing process, supported by a growing social consensus on the importance of attaining environmental quality. Land planning initiatives are increasingly required to take into account the values of a particular place, and they are needed to generate quality and improve the features of the place where they are applied. This would probably not have come to pass had there not been analysis, research, dissemination of knowledge, dialogue and debate about landscape in Catalonia over recent years, for which the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia is a gold standard. [+]
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Seminar Roads in the Landscape
On 9 and 10 May, the international seminar "Roads in the Landscape" will take place in Barcelona, organised by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Mobility of the Catalan Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Complemented with a photo exhibition, an outcome of a collaboration between the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the Tarragona School of Art, the seminar will address a series of little-considered aspects concerning the relationship between roads and landscape. [+]
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New landscape catalogue publicated
The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia recently published the Catàleg de paisatge de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. The publication has been possible thanks to an agreement signed with the Diputació de Barcelona. Please refer to the catalogue here. [+]
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France Cites Catalan Landscape Policy as an Example to Follow.
A report entitled Démarches paysagères en Europe - Éléments de parangonnage pour les politiques publiques françaises (Landscape Interventions in Europe. Elements of comparison for French public policy), commissioned to the French Environmental Authority by the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, cites Catalan landscape policy and the establishment of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia as an example to follow in France. The document analyses landscape policy and initiatives conducted in eight European states and regions - Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium (Valonia region), Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Catalonia - to identify which ones could be implemented in France.
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From Catalan Experience to Basque Reality: Landscape Policy Conference
On 9 March 2018, a conference was held, entitled "Perspectives on Landscape Policy Following the European Landscape Agreement: From Catalan Experience to Basque Reality.” The conference was organised by the UNESCO Chairs of Cultural Landscape and Heritage and the University of the Basque Country Master's Landscape, Heritage, Territory and City Programme. Pere Sala i Martí, director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, opened the conference with a talk on the landscape policy objectives and their implementation in Catalonia, and it was an opportunity to compare Catalan and Basque landscape policy. [+]
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The Territorial Observatory has presented its website
The Territorial Observatory, a tool for monitoring territorial dynamics and supporting territorial and urban policies of the Directorate General of Spatial planning and urbanismo of the Catalan government, has presented a new website from where you can consult data, indicators, maps and studies related to urban settlements, open spaces, the coastline, the landscape or the planning, among others. The Landscape Observatory collaborates closely with the Territorial Observatory in the field of landscape.
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'COL·LABORA x PAISATGE', an Example of Good Practice for the European Network of Rural Development
The cooperation project "COL·LABORAxPAISATGE", coordinated by ADRINOC with the support of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the Association for Dry Stone and Traditional Architecture, was chosen by the European Network of Rural Development as an example of good practice. This project aims to highlight the value of dry stone traditional architecture landscape heritage as a defining feature of many rural landscapes in Catalonia and other areas near the Mediterranean.
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New Platform for Forest Warning
The Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF) has developed a scientific forest health warning system ("Alerta Forestal") for citizens, as part of the project "Healthy forests for a healthy society". The platform's goal is to promote an active citizen community that will help collate data on phenomenon affecting forest health, such as infestations, droughts, high winds and more. This information will help evaluate the current health status of Catalan forests.
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European Year of Cultural Heritage
2018 is the European Year ofl Cultural Heritage, including a range of objectives, which include: promoting the exchange and evaluation of this shared resource; raising awareness of its history; and enhancing a feeling of belonging to a common European area. One notable element of Catalan heritage is the variety of landscapes, which has prompted the Observatory to participate in this initiative.
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New Publication by the Catalan Society of Territorial Classification (SCOT)
The Institute of Catalan Studies, to which SCOT belongs, recently published a volume entitled Recull i classificació de polítiques i transformacions territorials a partir de la base de dades de l'Anuari Territorial de Catalunya (2003-2015). This work summarises more than 13 years of the Territorial Yearbook, structured in five areas: collated topics, territorial area, chronological evolution, complexity of conducting territorial initiatives and capacity to mobilise these initiatives within the community.

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10 years of the Argentinian Landscape Network
The Argentinian Landscape Network (RAP) marks its 10th anniversary with an annual event, entitled  "Paisaje, gestión y participación", which will take place in Tandil (Buenos Aires) on 24, 25, and 26 May. The RAP provides an area of exchange among landscape professionals and academics, organised into a node-type structure of 14 nodes, across Argentinian cities. The Landscape Observatory has been collaborating with the network from the start, and a group of representatives will attend the tenth anniversary.
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Italian National landscape chart
The National Observatory for Landscape Quality in Italy has developed the Carta nazionale del Paesaggio. Elementi per una Strategia per il paesaggio italiano. It is the result of the working days on the general state of the landscape in Italy that took place in October 2017. The document proposes recommendations and lines to follow for a good landscape management in Italy with the aim that the landscape is at the center of all public policies and not just those of protection.
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Videos of the biennial seminar 'Lansdcape and Image. Photography' now available
The Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona City Council and the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia organised the first Landscape and Image conference on photography, on 19 and 20 October 2017. During the event, which was filmed on video, the role of photography was analysed as a tool for interpreting and managing landscape from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. The videos are available to watch here.
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'Water, Nature and Landscape' Exhibition
For the third consecutive year, and as part of the Observatory's collaboration with the water company Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL), an exhibition was organised on water and landscape, which will be open from 5 May until 14 June in the Can Trona Culture and Nature Centre in the Bas Valley. All the exhibits displayed were entered in the photo competition organised annually by the ATLL to highlight the values of water and landscape in all their aspects.
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Collaboration with the MOT Literature Festival
For another year running, representatives from the Landscape Observatory ha took part in the MOT Literature Festival in Olot (Girona), where they organised an exhibition entitled "Committed Landscape", from 22 to 24 March 2018 in the Torin Auditorium in Olot. The exhibition will continue in the Olot Art School cloisters until 14th May. It consists of photos taken by students of the Olot Art School, based on fragments of literature by authors involved in MOT 2018.[+] 
Territoris pel Paisatge
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The Priorat-Montsant-Siurana Landscape and Sustainability Commission starts up
The Priorat-Montsant-Siurana Landscape and Sustainability Commission, founded in October 2017, is a participatory body that aims to improve the coordinating and monitoring of policy based on territory, landscape and sustainability in the Priorat region. The Landscape Management System must comply with and apply these improvements as defined by the UNESCO candidate requirements. [+]
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Cervera Applies New Initiatives from the Landscape Plan
On Monday 5 March 2018, a 5th meeting was held to follow up some 40 initiatives set out in the Cervera Landscape Plan, approved in 2015. Cervera City Council intends to update the document with new initiatives to be implemented in 2018 and 2019 and establish municipal regulations to manage rural landscape, among other initiatives.
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Mequinensa, paisatge literari
This web aims to promote tourism through culture, particularly literature, to produce a travel experience based on the works of the author Jesús Moncada and his connection with landscapes and destinations in the old and new Mequinenza.
Arxiu d'Imatges Lansdcapes
in Movement
Jordi SalinasIgnasi LópezPere Sala i Martí
Jordi BasSergi GarciaJordi Grau
Lo sublime contemporáneo. Paisajes de la perplejidad
Pere Sala i Martí. Barcelona: Àmbit, p. 10-13. (Palabra y Paisaje; 4).ISBN: 978-84-96645-41-7.

This book invites us to explore sublime contemporary landscapes, emerging in the 21st century as a new landscape model. Texts by Joan Nogué, Simon Morley, Federico López Silvestre and Daniela Colafranceschi accompany the author's text and photos. [+]
Morna, Atzaró. La construcción del territorio de Eivissa
Stefano Cortellaro. [S.l.]: Col·legi Oficial d'Arquitectes de les Illes Balears, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-934059-8-1.

In Ibiza, building and landscape architecture can be unified. Thus, rural architecture is transformed into territorial construction: an organism consisting of walls, terraces, paths and other elements, which covers the whole island. Rural houses are, therefore, the smallest territorial and social unit, consisting of their agricultural plots.
Manuale di coltivazione pratica e poetica: per la cura dei luoghi storici e archeologici nel Mediterraneo
Luigi Latini; Tessa Matteini. Padova: Il Poligrafo, 2017. ISBN: 978-88-7115-989-8.

The manual is a research tool for anyone interested in gardens and design-based research. It is especially aimed at people involved in training, aligned with principles that are also promoted the European Landscape Convention.
Soundscapes and sound identities
Alessandra Calanchi; Francesco Michi. Giulianova (Teramo): Galaad Edizioni, 2017. ISBN: 978-88-98722-50-1.

This book collates some of the talks given at the 7th Klanglandschaft Forum International Symposium, held in 2015 in Trento on soundscapes and, in particular this year, the sound identity of places.
Pedra seca, pedra viva: patrimoni vitícola i desenvolupament econòmic
Recull Històric de Mura (ed.) (2017). Mura: Recull Històric de Mura. ISBN: 978-84-697-6314-8.

Collection of the talks and messages of the 9th Research Meeting to preserve dry stone heritage in Catalan Countries, which took place in Valls del Montcau in 2017.
Patrimônio e planejamiento: aproximaçôes a partir da paisagem de agudo-RS
Joao Paulo Schwerz. Tese Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2017.

The thesis uses the concept of landscape to discuss issues concerning architecture and urban planning, as well as territorial planning, focusing on heritage.


Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the Landscape Observatory. If you wish to subscribe and receive it by e-mail please click here.
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