Logo Observatori del Paisatge
49. April-June 16
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

Hima: A Methodology for Local Involvement in Distinctive Landscape Management

Bassima Khatib
Assistant Director General at Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon

Hima means "protected area" in Arabic. It is a traditional approach for the conservation of natural resources that has been prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula for more than 1,500 years. Hima means "protected area" in Arabic. It is a traditional approach for the conservation of natural resources that has been prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula for more than 1,500 years. The Hima approach started with the tribal system and the need to secure their livelihood in harsh environments. Then, it evolved with the Islamic culture that added to it values such as equity, common good, equal opportunity and common decision making. [...]
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Workshop Micro-towns: landscape, urbanism and territorial identity
On the 15 April 2016 will be held in San Miguel de Campmajor the workshop  Micro-towns: landscape, urbanism and territorial identity organized by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia in collaboration with the Micro-towns Association of Catalonia and the Town Hall of Sant Miquel de Campmajor. [+]
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The digital book The landscape planning at the local level in Europe
The book The landscape planning at the local level in Europe. The cases of Germany, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Switzerland and the Walloon region in Belgium, is now available in digital format on the website of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia. This is the second volume in the series "Documents", published in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainability of the Government of Andorra. [+]
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The Wikipedra changes its image and is expanded to some cross-borders regions of the south of France
Under the Border Landscape Plan of Cerdanya, are the 85 municipalities that make up the Regional Natural Park of the Catalan Pyrenees and the Commonwealth of Conflent-Canigó which have joined the project Wikipedra. This expansion also allowed to translate the website into French, modernize its image and make it searchable through mobile devices and tablets. It will be available in May.
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'Landscape, life and literature' exhibition at the Festival MOT
The Landscape Observatory participated in the MOT Festival of Literature Girona - Olot with the organization of the exhibition "Landscape, life and literature" which can be seen from 1 to 30 April in the front wall of the Library Marià Vayreda in Olot. In order to highlight the close relationship between landscape and life, the Landscape Observatory has selected a series of landscapes found in the literature, which the students from the Art School of Olot have illustrated with their own photographs.
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The SCOT will award the prizes Catalonia for Territory, Urbanism and Students
On 22 April, the Catalan Society for Territorial Planning will award the prizes Catalonia of Urbanism, Catalonia of Territory and the Award of the Catalan Society for Territorial Planning of Students. The jury decided to award a prize to the project  Landscape plan of Cervera promoted by the Town Hall of Cervera, with the collaboration of the Landscape Observatory.
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The Videos from the International Seminar Landscape, economy and business on the Observatory Website
On the 26 and 27 of November, Barcelona's Maritime Museum was the location of the International Seminar on Landscape, economy and business. The videos can be seen on the Observatory's website.
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LALI recognizes good practices in the Latin American landscape
The Latin American Landscape Initiative (LALI) has launched a call for landscape professionals from the whole American continent to disclose those good practices that contributes to promote the recognition, valorisation, protection, management and planning the landscape. The objectives of the call are to encourage and prestige to the work of landscape professionals, give visibility to the selected works, and be part of the Landscape Observatory of Latin America.
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Finland debates on the opportunity to create a landscape observatory
Several representatives of ministers, agencies, organizations, and of four Finnish universities met last March 18 at the University of Aalto (Espoo, Finland) to learn about the origin, structure, activity and as a function of some major landscape observatories and institutes existing in Europe, as well as their role in the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) at national, regional and local levels. The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia was invited to the seminar, among other European organisations. The seminar is part of a series of meetings sponsored by the School of Art, Design and Architecture Aalto University to discuss the opportunity to create an observatory of the landscape in Finland.
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Chilean Partnership for Landscape
On 26 January 2016 it was created the Chilean Partnership for Landscape which includes three Chilean institutions that have been taking care of quality landscapes for years: the Heritage and Landscape Corporation (CP&P), the Chilean Association of Landscape Professionals (ACHIPPA) and the Chilean Institute of Landscape Architects (ICHAP).
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The Observatory video with subtitles in Spanish and English
One of the actions carried out in 2015 in the heart of the "Education, training and communication" on the roadmap CATPAISATGE 2020 was the creation of a video, The landscape is for all, to explain what a landscape is in an entertaining way for the general public. The video in Catalan is also subtitled now in Spanish and English. 
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The collaboration of Robert Harding Pittman in the gallery of images from the Observatory
Robert Harding Pittman is the new photographer illustrating the cover of the Landscape Observatory web and thus will be part of the gallery of images from the Observatory. The selected photos are part of the project Anonymization, a criticism of the current model for unbridled urbanization.
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Tomorrow Landscapes, the name of the 9th edition of the International Landscape Biennial
As part of the International Landscape Biennial  to be held on 29, 30 September and 1 October 2016 in Barcelona, ​​it will take place the International Prize for Landscape Rosa Barba, sponsored by the Foundation Bank of Sabadell. The winner and finalists will present their projects during the symposium on 29 September.
Ordenança municipal dels usos del paisatge i de publicitat de Granollers

Ordinance regulating the uses and activities with involvement of various types and landscape elements, visual and performing arts background and their values

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Muuttuva maalaismaisema
The website shows the current agricultural landscape of Finland and its transformation during the XXI century through photographs.
Mainstreaming Lanscape Through the European Landscape Convention
Jorgensen, Karsten; et al. Oxon: Routledge, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-138-92230-3.

A Decade After the creation of the European Landscape Convention, this book asks how it has influenced the development of European governance and landscapes, and what role it will play in the coming years.
Paisaje habitado
Muñoz Gutiérrez, Carlos.  [Madrid]: La Línea del Horizonte, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-15958-37-6. 

The book is a compilation of essays on landscape and scenery. A current reflection from the philosophy that tries to bring meaning to what our eyes behold and becomes subjectively a landscape. 
Atles de la nova ruralitat: l'actualitat del món rural, els anys de la gran crisi a la Catalunya rural 2008-2015
Aldomà, Ignasi (dir.) [Lleida]: Fundació del Món Rural, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-608-220-42.

The publication is an update of the Atlas of 2009 which reflects the current understanding of Catalan rural areas and draws a number of conclusions in order to establish local development strategies and draw future lines of action.
Vergers des Pyrénées catalanes. Découvrir et entretenir = Vergers del Pirineu Català. Descobrir i conservar
Apvrille, Alain.  [S.l.]: Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées Catalonia.

The publication is a result from the Border Landscape Plan of Cerdanya which aims to recognize and appreciate the landscapes of Cerdayna. This is a practical work that allows you to know the origin and the secrets of cultivation of fruit trees in the Catalan Pyrenees.
Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the Landscape Observatory. If you wish to subscribe and receive it by e-mail please click here.
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