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The Observer

Five years!


Land Use Planning of Alt Empordà Wind Farms

The Council of Europe's 9th Workshop for the Application of the European Landscape Convention and the 3rd International Landscape and Infrastructures Congress

Feuilla en projet

Galicia Shore Management Plan

Educational Programme Promoted by Natural England: Language of Landscape

The Choice

Experiencing Landscapes: capturing the cultural services and experiential qualities of landscape

Regulations on protecting and improving the landscape in the region of Emilia-Romagna

Digital Landscape

Anuari Territorial de Catalunya

Servizio Valorizzazione e Tutela del Paesaggio

Documentation Centre

Territoires occupés: une autre vision de la France

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

El paisaje. De la percepción a la gestión


Events of March and April

Landscape in the press

Latest news items



Five years!

Joan Nogué
Director, Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

In effect, five years have gone by since the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia was created. The consortium's legal and formal foundation occurred a few months prior, but its real, operational launch did not take place until March 1st, 2005. On that day, the Observatory's technical headquarters opened in Olot, a town in north-east Catalonia, approximately 150 km from Barcelona. Upon occupying the historic Hospici building, one of the city's most emblematic, the Observatory turned from a project into a reality.



Land Use Planning of Alt Empordà Wind Farms


This past February 16th, the report, Ordenació territorial dels parcs eòlics a l'Alt Empordà (Catalonia) (Land Use Planning of Alt Empordà Wind Farms) was presented. The report was prepared by the Institut Cerdà and promoted by Figueres Town Hall, the Alt Empordà Area Council and the Local Initiatives Council for the Environment (CILMA). The aim of the study is to define and analyse models and implementation sectors for wind farms in Alt Empordà, studying the possibilities and requirements of the land, evaluating the potential amount of energy produced and proposing a region-wide management model to allow local administrations in Alt Empordà to define a wind power development plan. You may access this study here.

The Council of Europe's 9th Workshop for the Application of the European Landscape Convention and the 3rd International Landscape and Infrastructures Congress


From April 15th to 17th, the Council of Europe and the Government of Andalusia's (Junta de Andalucía) Department of Public Works and Transport are organising the Workshop for the Application of the European Landscape Convention along with the 3rd International Landscape and Infrastructures Congress in Cordoba. Both events will consist of four workshops organised by subject blocks around the issue of infrastructures and landscape. The first workshop is called "European Networks and Landscape" and its aim is to systematise the complexity and wealth of European landscapes as well as citizens' mobility and transport quality, creating an ordered and integral vision to make sense of them and make their value apparent. The second workshop, "Infrastructures and Landscape in a Sustainable Model," will address infrastructures which lay the groundwork for social and economic dynamics in the territory and support sustainability. The third workshop, "Landscape Criteria for Infrastructure Design," will focus on infrastructure planning and design while bearing in mind landscape. Lastly, the fourth workshop, "Infrastructures for Creating and Reclaiming Landscapes," will examine the need for specific landscape infrastructures which positively and effectively draw society to the landscape issue, increasing society's appreciation for landscape and promoting a more sensitive and aware attitude in terms of its values. For further information here.

Feuilla en projet


The European Academy for the Culture of Landscape (PETRARCA) is organising a week of specialised workshops, from May 23th to 29th, in the village of Feuilla whose territorial identity is under threat. Feuilla is located within the Narbonne Regional Park, concretely within the Corbières Commune ("land of vineyards, forests and thickets"). With these workshops, the aim is for Feuilla to explore how to face the future regarding questions such as the disappearance of agriculture, especially that dedicated to grapes, the return of grazing, homes becoming vacation residences, the uncontrolled growth of forests and the development of a tourism industry which respects the territory's identity and one which actively seeks to maintain the continuity of the area's singular traits and characteristics. PETRARCA is an international research group dedicated to the landscape field. It consists of geographers, ecologists, agronomists, architects, etc., and regularly organises Landscape Weeks such as this one in Feuilla. The role of the organisation's experts is to accompany the participants in the different practical workshops to achieve a collective vision and a view to a future project for the territories.

Galicia Shore Management Plan


Through its Department of the Environment, Territory and Infrastructures, the Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia) has presented and submitted its Shore Management Plan (POL) to the public for consultation in order to establish the criteria, principles and general norms regarding the urban planning of the Galician shore. Sustainability criteria will be used as the basis for a new norm to guarantee the preservation, protection and appreciation for coastal areas. The plan encompasses 212,000 hectares of shoreline. A series of protection and planning measures will also be applied in terms of urbanisation, measures which will have an impact on the Galician landscape. The Xunta has created a webpage on the POL to guarantee Galicians access to information about the Plan and for them to send their feedback, doubts and suggestions. The Xunta's POL is now under consultation with the town councils and competent institutions responsible for urban planning until March 2010.

Educational Programme Promoted by Natural England: Language of Landscape


Natural England is an organisation whose goal is to preserve and evaluate the natural environment in the United Kingdom in terms of its intrinsic value for the well-being and quality of life it can provide. In this respect it has launched an educational programme entitled the Language of Landscape aimed at eleven-year old students in England, Scotland and Wales. The project uses survey maps to capture students' attention and to encourage them to explore the landscape, not just in class with the map but also outdoors. This offers teachers the opportunity to, on the one hand, reinforce the educational value of maps and, on the other, strengthen students' knowledge and appreciation for landscapes (both urban and rural). The map serves to initiate this theoretical and practical exploration, while geography provides the context and knowledge to understand their exploration. This year, the British survey agency, Ordnance Survey, is working with Natural England to offer free access to their maps. It has also prepared additional resources for teachers, including a booklet created jointly with the Geographical Association, highlighting the objectives of each lesson, practical exercises and advice for working with the maps.


Experiencing Landscapes: capturing the cultural services and experiential qualities of landscape

A study by the governmental agency Natural England on the cultural benefits and experiential qualities that landscapes bring to society, such as spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection and a esthetic enjoyment.

Regulations on protecting and improving the landscape in the region of Emilia-Romagna

The legislative text of the Legislative Assembly of the Italian administrative region of Emilia-Romagna, approved 30 November 2009, with respect to landscape protection and improvement.



Anuari Territorial de Catalunya

This is the online version of the Annual Territorial Report of Catalonia which systematically addresses two-hundred topics related to the environment, infrastructures, urban projects and plans and territorial policies which have been in the public eye throughout the year.


Servizio Valorizzazione e Tutela del Paesaggio

Unit of the Emilia-Romagna regional government which takes care of landscape protection in the region. The web includes a link to the regional territorial plan for landscape in this region.



Territoires occupés: une autre vision de la France

Lenoir, Jérémie. Le Rheu: La Maison d'éditions LME, 2009. ISBN: 978-2-36026-000-3.

A book of aerial photos of French landscapes as transformed by humans. The author, with great artistic sensitivity, focuses on the beauty of geometric forms within these landscapes changed by human beings.


Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

Núm. 51, 2009. ISSN: 0212-9426.

A volume of articles dedicated to landscapes, including pieces directly related to the Spanish Geographer Association's working group on the history of geographic thought. The group's research focuses on modern ways of evaluating and representing landscape, paying special attention to cultural and symbolic elements.


El paisaje. De la percepción a la gestión

Español, Ignacio; Cruz, Linarejos. Madrid: Liteam, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-92558-06-3.

This text argues in favour of a trans-disciplinary and unitarian understanding of landscape's value. In addition to analysing landscape characteristics and providing a reading of its meanings, a proposal is put forward regarding the positive management of landscape.

Publications can be found in the documentation centre of the Landscape Observatory.



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