International Seminar on Landscape and Education The book Paisatge i salut is now available in the web The Government of Andorra presents the Andorran Landscape Unit Map and Andorran Landscapes Catalogue Results of the first edition of the Changing Landscapes International Workshop Bulletin on new landscape developments in the Llenguadoc-Rosselló region Les cabanes de volta de les Borges Blanques: paisatges, fets i gent Silencio... Segunda Bienal de Canarias |
Landscape and education Benedetta Castiglioni If the idea that landscape belongs to everybody, and is not owned only by politicians and technicians, nowadays is more and more universally shared, yet we are still at the beginning of the process of increasing people's awareness and responsibility towards it. Many times we talk about it, very few times we concretely act with this concept in mind. MOSAIC International Seminar on Landscape and Education One of the priority lines of action set forth in the European Landscape Convention is that which refers to education on landscape, both formal (in-school) and informal, promoted by other means and through other entities, such as NGOs. Up until now, the parties signing the convention have granted priority to other measures and actions. However, the introduction of a series of initiatives of this type throughout Europe, such as the "City, territory, landscape" project, suggests that the situation is changing. In order to reflect on and discuss landscape training and education, the Landscape Observatory has organised the International Seminar on Landscape and Education, which will be held at the La Pedrera building in Barcelona on 19th and 20th November 2009. The Seminar will include the collaboration of the Council of Europe, Ministry of Town and Country Planning and Public Works of the Government of Catalonia, the Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, the European Network of Local and Regional Authorities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention (RECEP-ENELC) and Caixa de Catalunya Social Work. You can consult the programme here.
The book Paisatge i salut is now available in the web The book Paisatge i salut (Landscape and Health), which was published in 2008 in the "Plecs de paisatge" (Landscape Specifications) collection of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, is now available in full text on the web site. The book considers the relationship between landscape, quality of life, and individual and social well-being from an innovative and interdisciplinary perspective. Paisatge i salut reflects on the initiatives that have been developed on this subject by public policies that associate health with the territory and the environment in therapeutic experiences. The collection has a second publication, Indicadors de paisatge. Reptes i perspectives (Landscape Indicators. Challenges and Perspectives), published jointly by the Landscape Observatory and Caixa de Catalunya Social Work, which will be presented next November at Casa Milà (La Pedrera) in Barcelona. The Government of Andorra presents the Andorran Landscape Unit Map and Andorran Landscapes Catalogue The Government of Andorra has presented the Andorran Landscape Unit Map and Andorran Landscapes Catalogue, based on the previous unit maps, which consist of the diagnostic map of tourist potential, the prognosis map, and the value map, as well as a document with recommendations for the Andorran landscape. The maps are the result of the project assigned to the Landscape Department of the Scientific Park of the University of Barcelona by the Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Andorra. The catalogue includes the results obtained in a Web participation survey, as well as those from the discussion groups formed by persons associated with the landscape of the Andorra region. The respective maps and conclusions can be consulted here. Results of the first edition of the Changing Landscapes International Workshop From 2nd to 14th July 2009 the first international workshop Changing Landscapes: Mediterranean Sensitive Areas Design was held in the Italian city of Reggio Calabria. The workshop was organised by the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria and directed by Daniela Colafranceschi, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of this university. For 14 days, a total of 85 participants (including students and professors) from ten schools of architecture and landscape in Europe and other parts of the world, discussed and shared a wide range of ideas, strategies, policies, solutions and methods of intervention from a contemporary perspective to improve the quality and sense of place of six landscapes in the Strait of Messina, including the different sections of its coastal area and infrastructure, consolidated urban areas and informal outlying areas, as well as other locations in the region. The areas studied can be consulted here. The results of the workshop are here. The workshop is part of a larger project that will seek to consider degraded areas from around the Mediterranean Basin with different on-site perspectives, implementing the principles of the European Landscape Convention, at future events. This initiative includes the participation of the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and the collaboration of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia. Bulletin on new landscape developments in the Llenguadoc-Rosselló region In recent years the number of bulletins that inform about significant new developments with regard to landscape policies and actions in Europe has increased. As a result of its proximity to the territory of Catalonia, the bulletin prepared since 2008 by the Regional Directorate of the Environment of Llenguadoc-Rosselló of the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the French Government is particularly noteworthy. The objective of the bulletin is to inform the actors in this territory on DIREN policies. It is published bimonthly. All of the issues can be consulted here. The most recent issue, which was distributed in early September of this year, reports on the Transborder Workshop between France and Catalonia mentioned in another news item. It can be consulted by clicking here.
Living Landscapes it's the international meeting held each year at Aberystwyth University, Wales, where an extensive programme of talks by researchers, teachers, creators, and other experts consider the concept of landscape from the different perspectives that can enable us to understand and, above all, experience the landscape, as the title of the event indicates (Living Landscapes): geography, ecology, history, art, anthropology...The advantage as well as the difficulty lies in knowing how to choose between the multiple options for talks offered during the 5 days of the event according to one's professional interests. We also have the opportunity to participate in the many interesting cultural activities that are organised on a parallel basis to the talks: theatre, performances, debates, audiovisual presentations...
Thames Landscape Strategy is a partnership of statutory and non-statutory organisations, local groups and individuals whose focus is to protect, enhance and promotethe the urban landscape of the remarkable river corridor between Hampton and Kew, in Londres.
An association that was created in 1992 to guard against landscape impacts and visual pollution appearing in urban and non-urban landscapes, including maritime landscapes. The association publishes a bulletin, Action Paysage', that is available through its website.
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