In a globalised world, in which the survival of group identities and the necessary connection and exchange strive to exist in harmony, there are resilient agricultural models which, based on tradition and innovation, show the feasibility of systems that adapt to the idiosyncrasy of the territories and provide the people living in them and building them, day by day, with a dignified living. They are models in which the direct relation between people and their environment is ancestral, present and alive, and in which the role of women is of great importance, both in everyday practice, as well as in transmitting knowledge.
The Symposium aims to create links between landscapes, initiatives and projects from all over the world that work towards the recognition of these agricultural models, their feasibility, and the safeguarding of the irreplaceable biocultural capital they represent.
Thursday 9th
9:00 / Benvinguda als participants
9:30 / Inauguració i presentació del Simposi
Meritxell Martorell. Alcaldessa de la Morera de Montsant.
Jordi Sabaté. President del Consell Comarcal del Priorat.
Teresa Jordà. Consellera d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació.
Josep Maria Prunera. Diputació de Tarragona.
Pilar Just. Presidenta de Prioritat.
Pere Sala. Director de l’Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya.
Elisa de Cabo. Subdirectora General de Protecció del Patrimoni Històric del Ministeri de Cultura.
Josep Manuel Rueda. Director de l'Agència Catalana de Patrimoni Cultural.
BLOCK 1. Values of agricultural landscapes that are respectful to the idiosyncrasy of the territory
- Visita a la Vilella Baixa (molí) - Gratallops (Vínicola del Priorat, cooperativa) i “els Escurçons” tros de la família Perez-Ovejero- Celler Mas Martinet.
- Visita a La Bisbal de Falset (oli, cooperativisme, ramaderia ecològica, paisatge de la pedra seca).
- Visita a Cornudella i Siurana (ramaderia ecològica i comercialització de producte de proximitat).
- Visita al Masroig -els Guiamets –Capçanes -Falset (policultiu, cooperativisme, explotació familiar).
Friday 10th
BLOCK 2. Agricultural models for resilient, profitable landscapes
BLOCK 3. The governance of agricultural landscapes
- Visita comentada a la Cartoixa d’Escaladei